Checklist for Individual Tax file


Here is a list of information we require to be able to help you in your individual tax return.

- Social Security number or ITIN number of the people who will file for tax return and their dependents.
- Date of birth of those who will file for tax return and their dependents
- Birth certificate and proof of study for under aged dependents
- Last years tax return and amount paid for the return
- Amount of taxes paid on state and local income
- Forms w-2, 1098, 1099, Schedule k1
- Contributions made to IRA accounts or other retirement plans
- Documents on mortgage interest and taxes on real estate and movable property
- Home purchase closing documents such as the HUD Proof of income or expenses for work performed and not on a w2 or 1099 form
- Records of other income: rents, jury services, gambling, alimony and corresponding expenses
- Date of purchase and total investment in shares or other goods sold
- Amounts donated to churches, schools, or non-profit organizations
- Proof of non-monetary donations to charity
- Miles driven for medical or charitable purposes
- Investment related expenses
- Health insurance payments and medical service expenses
- Records to support childcare and higher education costs
- Employment-related expenses: travel, clothing, tools, cleaning uniforms, etc. Job search expenses and unemployment income.